Good morning on this blessed rainy Wednesday!

Yes, rainy again! But actually we have had some beautiful days in the last week since the rain gave us a reprieve. It hasn't been real hot and the sky has been so blue with some white puffy clouds. And when the sky is really blue we have less humidity. Praise the Lord!

Of course, when it rains, the humidity level goes up but it will be cooler which is not a bad thing. This has really been a different summer weather-wise. 

What do we do when our lives are out of control? Do we panic or get anxious, get angry, get very frustrated, or get depressed? Well, sometimes some or all of these emotions can hit us. Or do we just pray and give it to God and let Him handle it and give us peace? Well, actually that is what we are supposed to do. But we seem to go to God last. We try to do all we can on our own with all those emotions attacking us with no peace in our lives, and then as a last resort we take it to God. How much better could these situations be if we took everything to God in prayer, first? I suppose we still might be panicky but at least we are thinking of God first and foremost. He is very pleased when we go to Him first.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, 
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

These are the words of Jesus. He is telling us that the best thing for us to do is seek Him first.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer 
live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live
 in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,
 who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20

So, if I no longer live but Christ lives in me, and I live by faith in Christ, then He would definitely be first in my life. And I should go to Him first. I really want to please God in my life. And I really want to live for Him every day of my life. I need to seek Jesus first about every large or very tiny decision that I need to make in my life, and every one in between, as well as just seek Him first about every thought I have. Christ needs to be in us, around us, and all through us and we have to ask Him and let Him do it because He lives in us!

I will do my very best to do it. How about you?

Have a fabulous day!



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