Good morning! Another beautiful day is in store for us here in the beautiful state of Tennessee. 

I pray you are having a blessed day so far. I love to look out the window in the morning at the frosty grass and know that there is a nip in the air. I have bird feeders out and I know it is cool because the birds don't even eat until the air warms up. Just the same as I don't go outside unless I have to until it warms up. Of course, in the winter some days it doesn't warm up. But now that I am not working, I don't have to go outside. Am I spoiled or what?

Have you given thanks to God today for anything? We should give thanks to God everyday for everything. Some days we start out giving thanks but then some days we get busy and don't think about it. Well, we should give thanks always for what God has done, but especially with this week being Thanksgiving. It is a great reminder of what God has done for us. People are more open during holiday time to hear what God is doing in our lives. Are we more willing to share what God has done for us? 

Jesus saved my soul when I was 13 years old at church camp. I loved going to camp. My family did not go to church so it was a great time to go and hear things about the Lord. Besides it was so much fun. We got to do some great things like learn about horses. I love horses even though I have never had one or have never been around them much. But they really intrigue me. They have such strength and yet love to be cared for. And their beauty is amazing. 

Anyway, back to my salvation. We had a service at camp and afterward we were to find a place of solace and sit and reflect before God. Living in California, there are lots of rocks, not just gravel rocks but giant boulders. This particular rock I climbed was about 8 feet tall from the ground to the top, and just one rock. Well, I sat on the top and looked around at the beauty of the mountains and I could feel God's presence. I prayed the prayer of salvation and gave my heart to Jesus.

From that day forward my life changed. Even though I didn't surrender all at that time I did the best I could. I didn't tell my family because I didn't think they would understand. In my childhood years when we lived near the beach, my girlfriend across the street from me took me to church every Sunday and I believe my family went to church when I was very little. But something happened and we never went back. That was when I was a little tot and early elementary.

Then in high school we had Campus Life-Youth for Christ at our school. We would meet in peoples homes every week. That was a great time of fun and fellowship. We did a lot of scavenger hunts. Boy, I haven't done that in years, maybe 42 or so. Wow!

Then, as a young adult I didn't lead a godly life. I did lots of things that I am not proud of. But I was always aware that God was with me and that He never left that He was taking care of me. I certainly prayed but mostly when I had difficulties, which I guess is a normal thing. But it wasn't until I was married and had our son that we decided that we should have him in church. So, we did. And that was a big change in our lives. The best one we ever made after salvation. Our lives with Christ have grown and changed, I guess you could say matured. We do the best we know how to live for the Lord and try to seek and do His will. We have not arrived. We will never be perfect on this earth. But we are trying and trying hard, and that is what God asks of us. We will make mistakes but that is okay. He loves us and forgives us anyway.

All this to say, that we all have a testimony of what God has done for us. It may be a magnificent experience but it may be quiet experience but it is a miracle all the same. The great miracle of salvation where God changes our hearts and our lives and He lives in us through the Holy Spirit. And we should give thanks daily for what He has done for us. Because He is so good to us but more because He is worthy.

So, as the song says: Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One...!
                           I will give thanks to the LORD because 
                        of his righteousness;  I will sing the praises 
                              of the name of the LORD Most High.
         Psalm 7:17
                                  I will praise God’s name in song 
                               and glorify him with thanksgiving. 
                                                Psalm 69:30

                         Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his 
                                 courts with praise; give thanks to 
                                         him and praise his name.
                                                    Psalm 100:4

Jesus loves you so much. Have an awesome day!

Les (lesbear) 


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