Good morning on this fine Saturday morning! It is still dark so I think it is fine weather wise anyway. I don't hear any rain or wind. Actually it is supposed to be a gorgeous sunshiny low to mid 70's kind of day. How awesome is that! 

Who wants to get up so early on a day you can sleep in? I guess I do. I plan to go out this morning and so there are things to do before I go. It should be fun!

My husband fell at work yesterday. Just got a little banged up so he should be fine. As we get older we have to watch every step we take. We need to watch every step we take in life also. Someone may be watching every step to see how we do it or handle it. We know that God is watching. We are an example to everyone around us, whether good or bad. Let us be a good example for God above. He knows our every word, thought, and action. Are we glorifying Him with those things? 

The devil also knows what we are doing. He is thrilled when we get impatient, and say and do things we shouldn't. 

The Psalmist says in Psalm 119:11 "Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against God". Is God's Word hid in your heart? Do we take the time to read or listen to God's Word, pray about it, meditate on it, so it sticks in our memory? It is a hard thing to do especially for those of us that are forgetful or have a hard time memorizing things or don't have a lot of time. But read it enough and eventually it will stick there. When we have God's Word in our heart, we can recite a verse without looking it up. We can share it with others without looking it up. When we need peace at a hard spot in our lives we have verses there in our heart to repeat and give us comfort. We also have verses there in us that will keep us from sinning against God. This is kind of a simplistic way to think about it. Let's say you are about to tell a lie and the verse in the 10 Commandments comes to you: "Thou shall not give false testimony." That one little verse might have kept you from sinning against God. The devil doesn't want us to memorize verses so he makes it hard for some of us. But God is very pleased when we take the time to put His Words in our heart.

The Book of Psalms has so many great words in it. It is a very comforting and praiseworthy book of the Bible. If you haven't spent time reading it, you should. I like to read it out loud. It is so great. If you have a moment when you have a hard time finding words to praise the Lord, or worship Him, read the Psalms. 

"Your word, O Lord , is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens. 
Your faithfulness continues 
through all generations; 
You established the earth, and it endures."
Psalm 119:89-90

"Your word is a lamp to my 
feet and a light for my path."
Psalm 119:105

"Oh how I love your law!'
I meditate on it all day long.
Your commands make me wiser 
than my enemies, 
for they are ever with me.
I have more insight than all my teachers,
for I meditate on your statutes."
Psalm 119:97-99

I could go on and on with verses. Of course, these particular verses are about how important God's Word is. His Word is powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword as I mentioned the other day. 

Read His Word, put it in your heart. I guarantee it will be a life-changer for you even if you have time for only one verse a day. 

Don't stop! Jesus is worth it!



 The pictures that I use are either from my own camera or yahoo images. I love to take pictures!


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