Are you blessed this morning? I sure am. These cool fall days are wonderful. The air is so clear and clean and crisp. The sky is so blue. The trees and their autumn colors are gorgeous. The lawn is so pretty with a little of the green grass sticking out between the leaves on the ground. And you wonder how could one tree have so many leaves? Usually my husband mows them into mulch and blows them into piles. But this year the lawn mower transmission died. Ugh! What do we do? Well, the grass is a little long from not being mowed for a month, and the leaves are in one big pile under each of the trees. Well, do you know what? It is not the end of the world. The pretty trees aren't going anywhere and neither is the grass, or weeds in our case. That is not a real big deal and in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. God has blessed us incredibly!
His love is unconditional! His mercies are new every morning! His faithfulness is great! His Word is sharper than a two-edged sword! His grace is a gift from God!
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."
Ephesians 1:3
The first chapter of Ephesians tells us what God has done to bless us. He chose us; Christ died to forgive us; and the Holy Spirit stays with us to keep us safe. Wow! Are we blessed or what?
We have many blessings in God's Word from the moment of creation. Isaac's blessing to Jacob and Esau; Jacob's blessing to his son's; Balaam's message of blessing from God; the blessings of obedience in Deuteronomy; the blessings of the promised land; God's blessings to Judah; the blessings from repentance in Hosea chapter 14; the blessings in the Beatitudes; and the spiritual blessings in Christ that I mentioned earlier. The earth and the beauty God has given us in the land. The family and friends God has given us. Our pets and all the animals. The jobs we may have. The plants that give us the air we breathe. The sun and the moon and the stars. The sunrise and sunset. The beaches and the mountains. The rivers and the lakes. The health in our bodies that we do have. Things can always be worse for us than they are in our lives. So count the goods things not the bad. Many people are going through tough times in the northeast. But I think if they thought hard enough they could find blessings in disguise. I am not discounting the tragedies, for they are major. Let us pray for them with all our being. The blessings from God go on and on. We can't number them.
If you wake up in the morning and don't feel blessed by God, whose fault is it? He has blessed us beyond measure. So, when you wake up in the morning and feel blah, count your blessings one by one. God has given us all He has in Jesus Christ.
Be blessed today and remember that Jesus loves you!
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