I pray you had a good night's sleep. I did. It took me awhile to go to sleep but I did and slept pretty good for a change. I am not the best sleeper. I mean I have to be careful what I drink during the day. I am very sensitive to caffeine. I love my unsweet iced tea but at home I make decaf so when I go somewhere I can't drink it. Oh well! Such are the troubles of life.
Today is election day. I sure hope you take the time to vote. Don't ever think that your vote won't matter. It does! On the bulletin board at church there is a poster from Billy Graham. It says "Vote for Biblical Values." Please pray for the election today. Our country is the best in the world no matter what problems we may have. We should stand up for our country no matter what. We should be devoted to our country. That is patriotism! Remember to vote!
“If my people, who are called by my name, will
humble themselves and
pray and seek my face and
turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear
heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Chronicles 7:14
Well, I am off to the polling place here shortly. I am working there today. I pray that God will be with all those in the land who are working and those who come to vote. May God's will be done! May He be glorified! May He be lifted up and praised!
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
Romans 12:9
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
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