You Can't Outgive God
Good morning to you! Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Yesterday was a great day to worship the Lord. With great services at church, including the Hanging of the Greens last night ended a great day. My husband put on and watched a good Christmas movie with me in the afternoon after a great soup lunch by our youth group.
My husband records all the great Christmas movies for me from Hallmark, ABC Family (if there are any), and Lifetime, and the Gospel Network, and then he puts them on and watches them with me. The one yesterday afternoon I cried through and then went to church. I probably looked terrible but I hope my church family doesn't care what I look like. Of course, they might have thought I had something terrible happen to me with the red eyes and such. I pray as a church family that we are concerned for each other and love each other as God would love us. Are you part of a church family? What a blessing it is to have people around you who care and love you especially when your blood family isn't close to you, in miles I mean. It is such a blessing from God!
I would like to share with you something that God did for us. A long time ago, probably 15 years ago we had no money. I mean it cost more for us to live than we were bringing in. My husband worked very hard in his business and always had work. But there were more days in the month than we had money. We chose to put our 2 children in a Christian school for high school so that was expensive. Of course, we could have taken them out of the school but that is where we felt that God wanted them to be and we tried to do what He wanted us to do. I won't say it was the best place for them school-wise because the school was trying to get started and struggled a lot. But that is okay. God wanted them there for a reason. My husband was asked to be on the school board and I know he was a great help and blessing to the school. I wasn't working as a stay-at-home mom.
Anyway, we struggled financially but God was very faithful. We did our best to continue to give our tithes. He always provided for our needs and we did our best to trust Him. One time we didn't think we could pay all of our bills and one day a check came from our church. It covered the bills we needed to pay. We praised God for telling that person or persons to give to help us, and that they obeyed. But we did have to share our burden with God and with our church. God says in His Word that we are to share our burdens with one another. We must not be enbarrassed.
Another time we had a bill and were nervous about paying it and one day before it was due, a check came from California for almost the exact amount that we owed. We never did find out who sent the check or why, but we had had our house broken into years before and never were compensated for that. That is the only thing we could figure it could have come from. But you know what? You can't outgive God! The more you give the more He will bless you. I am not necessarily talking about money blessings although He certainly does do that. But He can bless you with health or love or people or activities or whatever He wants to bless you with.
And my God will meet all your needs
according to the riches of His
glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s
people but is also overflowing
in many expressions of thanks to God.
2 Corinthians 9:12
So, God will meet all our needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus! Wow! He is so good to us. And then when we give, time or money, it is used to further His kingdom and used to help with the needs of His people and is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Thanks be to God!
Remember to give as God tells you to do. You can't outgive Him. And remember to trust Him because He will supply all your needs. HE loves you and will take care of you.
Have a wonderful day!
Les (lesbear)
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