Good morning on this wonderful Sabbath Day!

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
3 John 1:2

I pray all is well with you and you slept well. I did but I am trusting God to heal my back. As I said yesterday I did too much on Friday and now I can't move very well without pain again. These kinds of things are hard to understand. We think why is this happening to me. I have so much to do. I need to do so much this coming week and how am I going to do it all. Well, God will show us the way. He will fill us with what we need. And if it doesn't get done well there is always another day. These things are really hard to do or take. I need to do it now, we might think. I have people depending on me. Well, God's timing is perfect and as my husband, who was born with a bad back, says you just have to do what you have to do and if it hurts you just do it anyway. Oh my! I don't know how he does his work when his back hurts. His job is very physical and I just can't imagine. I guess God is letting me see I need more compassion for my husband when he is hurting in the back. 

I was talking yesterday about the mysteries of God that He does reveal to His people through His Word. Although there are some mysteries that we will not know about until we get to heaven. And maybe even then we won't know them all because it won't matter anymore. We will be living with Jesus! We will be filled to overflowing!

Do your best to present yourself to God 
as one approved, a worker who does not 
need to be ashamed and who correctly 
handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

If we correctly handle the word of truth, we are doing the right thing with God's Word. We are studying it and searching the scriptures and seeking God with all our heart. We are trying to know Him better, trying our best to seek His face, and to learn about His mysteries. We are asking Him to fill us daily with His Spirit.

There is much written about the mysteries of God. Paul spends a lot of time talking about the mysteries. I found a website which talks about the mysteries if you care to read it. It goes to a lot of detail about the mysteries of God if you wish to study it more. There is a lot more to this topic than I have time or space for but you can study it on your own. It is very important to study and learn this.

Just copy and paste into your url (address bar). 

A verse I used yesterday was:

To them God has chosen to make known 
among the Gentiles the glorious riches 
of this mystery, which is Christ in you, 
the hope of glory. He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone 
fully mature in Christ. 
Colossians 1:27-28 

So, continue to study God's Word and be strengthened and filled with His love and mercy and grace. Lean and depend on Him. Praise and worship Him. Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. Follow Him. Be filled with the Holy Spirit as His Word says:

Do not get drunk with wine, which 
will only ruin you; instead, 
be filled with the Spirit.  
Ephesians 5:18

Have a wonderful and awesome day in the Lord.



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