Good morning to you on this blessed Sabbath Day!

Yesterday I had issues with my post. I lost my task bar and couldn't change anything, font, font color, paragraph style, etc. And I thought Oh Lord, help me fix this so I can make a more appealing post today. Well, what had happened was I had somehow clicked on the HTML button and it took the task bar away. I thank God that He directed me to that immediately this morning so I didn't spend lots of time figuring out what I had done wrong yesterday.

Sometimes I think satan tries to stick in little jabs at us to confound and frustrate us so we get upset and don't immediately turn to God for answers. This time I didn't get frustrated and God pointed me in the right direction. Praise God! He even cares about the little things in our lives. 

I was at the chiropractor on Friday and I was the first one in after their lunch break. A little bit later 3 more people came in. Well, they called in each of those people one by one while I still sat there. I was a little frustrated to say the least. I felt invisible. Anyway, I finally got up and told the receptionist (doc's husband) that I was the first in and still waiting and they wondered why I took so long to say something. Well, I was trying to be patient and nice. They had taken my file and put it back on the shelf with the rest of the day's files. Anyway they apologized up one side and down the other and took me right in. They didn't give me a free visit!! Hah! Maybe I missed an accident on the road or whatever situation I might have found myself in on the way home but God knew what I needed to do. 

I do get frustrated a lot over some things and then those frustrations become anxious moments, and then I have a melt down every once in a while. Not that often but it does happen. I think that when things don't go as I had planned, that is where the frustration comes in. We need to realize that God has His own plans and just because they don't match up with ours it isn't the end of the world. Because it is His plans that are right and we should match up with His and if they don't match up with His, then it is His that we should follow.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

So, God knows the plans and He knows our inmost being when we are born. Psalm 139:13. He knows every hair on our head when He has them numbered. Luke 12:7. He knows us by name. Isaiah 43:1. He knows us and loves us anyway. Romans 5:8. I could go on and on with scriptures about how God knows us and loves us and cares about our lives, big things and the little things. 1 Peter 5:7. 

There is much to know about God and His love for us. The only way we can learn these things is to read and study His Word. We need to put these things in our heart so that we don't forget them. We can read and study the Word ourselves. We can listen to the preaching of God's Word. We can listen to the Bible on CD or the internet. There are podcasts of Bible books and scripture that we can download. On www.biblegateway.com we can actually pull up God's Word in just about every version available and then we can read it and/or we can listen to it. They have apps for iOS and for android. It is an amazing website. I use it everyday along with my Bible. 

So, really there is no excuse for not getting into God's Word everyday and read and study the plans and love that God has for us. What's the saying, Just Do It! So, let's just do it!

Jesus loves you!




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