Good morning to you!

I pray that you had a wonderful night. I did. We went to Saturday night church and dinner with some friends. It was great fun. The service was great. I thank God for being able to get out and go. We don't really go out much. We have become great homebodies. It has its advantages and disadvantages. I think that when you stay home all the time you get a little lazy. Even though I don't sit down at home, just getting out takes a lot out of me. I always have so much to do at home but I never catch up. But going out makes my heart feel good. I guess because we hardly ever do it. Maybe we need to change our ways.
The eighth fruit of the spirit is gentleness. I was trying to figure out what gentleness is. I kept thinking it meant if you are gentle you are kind or soft or delicate or meek. It actually means considerate or kindly in disposition; amiable and tender. So, I guess I was pretty close. I know more than I thought. It certainly does not mean weakness or belittling of oneself. Gentleness includes true humility that does not consider itself too good or too exalted for humble tasks. 

I want to be a person filled with gentleness. I suppose I can be that sometimes but not often enough. I want desperately to please God in all areas of my life not just part of them. I do have a long way to go. The Christian life is a process. Once we ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, we don't totally change in an instant. God could change us that quick but most of the time it is a lifelong journey where we learn and stumble along the way while God leads us and prepares us for our future in heaven with Him. 

I want to be more like Christ. I want to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. But I want a lot of things and those are the two most important, at the top of the list. But in all reality, it is not what I want, it is what God wants. It is hard to live for Christ. Accepting Christ is the easy part but living in the world but not of the world is the hard part. We are to conform ourselves and our minds, to that of Jesus Christ. And part of doing that is gentleness. 

Let your gentleness be evident to 
all. The Lord is near.
Philippians 4:5
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly 
loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, 
humility, gentleness and patience.
Colossians 3:12
But you, man of God, flee from all this, 
and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, 
love, endurance and gentleness.
1 Timothy 6:11
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always 
be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks 
you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 
But do this with gentleness and respect,
1 Peter 3:15

So, let's see how gentle we can be, not for ourselves but for Jesus! Remember it is not about us!

Have a great day!



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