Good morning this fine Saturday morning!

The sun isn't shining yet but I can't wait until it does. It seems like yesterday was just an icy blur. Although, I don't think is got as icy as it was supposed to. My porch was icy and I know my precious friend's was. She slipped on her porch and down the stairs and her whole body aches. Praise God it wasn't worse!

Our comfort zone! We have been talking about that a bit in both of my Bible Studies. What is out of our comfort zone? Praying out loud, going on a mission trip, telling someone about what Jesus has done for us, going to a new job, taking care of children. Whatever your comfort zone is, probably being comfortable at home in your own space, or a job you have had forever, and then going out of it. What do we feel God calling us to do that scares us or might make us uncomfortable? God calls us to get out of our comfort zone because then we can totally depend on Him.

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:10

For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ 
not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him...
Philippians 1:29

It takes humility to stand up and say, "yes, Lord I will do it" because part of doing whatever God calls us to do, might take a little suffering. And suffering might not be such a bad thing. For some people sleeping in an old bed, in a cabin, with lots of other people might be suffering. But are we willing to suffer this way for the gospel or not? Are we willing to humble ourselves before the Lord this way, so that He can lift us up?

When I went on my first mission trip, I was nervous to say the least. I knew that God had called me to do that and go there, but it was definitely out of my comfort zone. So, I was rather nervous because I had no clue what to expect. But as it turned out I loved it and after 17 years of doing it I still love it. I have been out of the country once but all the rest of the trips we go on every year are in the states. And as team leaders for the past 14 years, the job is much bigger than just going on a mission trip. But I love it, and I do it, and with God lifting me up, I will continue to do it as long as God calls me to. But it definitely is out of my comfort zone. And even though the whole process is hard work, it is a tiny bit easier every year. God is with me and never leaves me on my own. He helps me every step of the way. He leads, guides, and directs me every moment. I certainly can say it is not me, it is Jesus.

So, He can and will help you get out of your comfort zone when He calls you to do something for Him, whatever it may be. But we need to say yes, and do it, and let Him be our guide all the way. You can do it!

The Lord himself goes before you and will be 
with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8

Abraham was called to leave his country and go out of his comfort zone. In the book of Acts, the apostles were called to take the gospel all over the place, which was out of their comfort zones. If they can do it, we can do it. God was with them and He is with us whatever it is that God wants us to do. 

Just trust Him! You can do it!

Have a blessed day!




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