
                                     Good morning to you on this great 
                               day that the Lord has made!

                                  May God arise and let His 
                            enemies be scattered! Psalm 68:1

There are so many people against God these days. I am sure that it has always been that way. But it seems that it is worse now days. Or maybe it is just more visible now because of the media. There are many religions out there where they hate God and His people. Oh, they may believe in a god but not the One True God. The God of the universe. Our Creator!

God is our judge and these people will be judged accordingly. Oh, I don't like it for them but they are against our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And if they are not for Him, then they are against Him. Oh, they are in for a great awakening.
He who is not with Me is against Me, and he 
who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.
Matthew 12:30

I certainly don't want to be against Him. The consequences are not going to be pretty. But it is pretty amazing how many people don't believe in our God. How can you not see Him everywhere? But I know that the evil one has many people blinded to the Truth.

I praise God that I am not blinded. I am very imperfect but not blind to the things of God. Oh, we are probably blind to a lot of God's things but that is because they haven't been revealed to us yet. And everything won't be revealed to us until we get to heaven some day. But that doesn't mean we are blind to God's secrets or mysteries, we just haven't been enlightened yet.

Oh Lord. We are ready for your return. And if we are not totally ready, then get us ready Lord. Help more and more people come to know You. And use us if You will, Lord! May Your will be done. In Jesus Name, Amen!

I pray that you believe and are ready for the Lord's return. Don't be an enemy of God any longer. Give your heart to Jesus and see how He can use you in this lost and dying world. For He is awesome and more than worthy!

Have a phenomenal day!

Les (lesbear)


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