
Picture I took in
the fall of 2010

Good morning on this great day!

It did rain all day yesterday and it is raining this morning. I always thought that fall was supposed to by dry and beautiful. I suppose if it is a wet fall the leaves stay on the trees a little longer and the change of colors might be a little later. Well, we will see. Only God knows.

And that is the point, only God knows everything. We can think that we know it all, and some people truly think that they do. Well, in the grand scheme of things, we know nothing. And God knows everything.

God's Word tells us that God is omniscient. He knows everything. He knows every thing before it happens. The Bible speaks of many things as being predestined or foreordained - big words that mean that God planned them and knew of them before they happened. And He knows us.

Because he hath set his love upon me, 
therefore will I deliver him: I will set 
him on high, because he hath known my name.
Psalm 91:14

 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 
Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Luke 12:7

Then hear from heaven, your dwelling 
place. Forgive and act; deal with everyone 
according to all they do, since you know their hearts 
(for you alone know every human heart),
1 Kings 8:39

You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain.
Psalm 139:1-6  

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
Proverbs 15:3 

I could go on and on with scriptures about how God knows everything. But I won't. You can look up scripture yourselves. But I certainly wanted you to know that God knows all. There is nothing we can do that God will not know about. There is nothing in nature or the world that God does not know about.

He knows when we are hurting. He knows what we need even before we ask for it. He knows our hearts. 

So, just remember He knows. Let Him pick you up and dust you off and comfort you and wipe away your tears. And let Him give you the peace that passeth all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and 
peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow 
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Have a magnificent day!

Les (lesbear) 


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