
Good morning!

I pray that you had a blessed weekend and a great Sabbath Day. We sure did. I just praise the Lord for He is great and He is worthy to be praised.

In our Sunday school lesson from Beth Moore's Jesus the One and Only, (yes, we are doing a Beth Moore Bible study for our Sunday school class with homework 5 days a week), today's lesson was about the faith of the centurion. The centurion had never actually met Jesus and never did meet Him. And yet he believed that Jesus could heal his servant. When Jesus was on His way to the centurion's house to heal the servant, the centurion sent his friends to tell Jesus this. 

"Lord, don't trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to 
have you come under my roof. That is why I did 
not even consider myself worthy to come to you.
 But say the word, and my servant will be healed." 
Luke 7:6b-7

Wow! What faith. And in all reality we also are not worthy enough to come to Jesus. We do not deserve His love or answers to prayer or even the opportunity to come to Him. But we are precious to God. "Even in our frailties. Even though we can't reach perfection in this lifetime. Christ Jesus values His servants highly." He loves us unconditionally. He forgives us for everything we ask. And even through all that He tells us:

Let us therefore come boldly unto the 
throne of grace, that we may obtain 
mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16

This is what His love has done for us. He is building something very big in us and through us. "God is the builder. We could spend our life's blood, sweat, and tears building for God, but it would never be big enough to hold Him nor worthy to deserve Him." It is "not what we are building for God but what He is building with us." And when we have faith and love and serve, He will use us to build His Kingdom. Jesus has done what it takes for us to be worthy of His love and care.

So, depend on Jesus to give you what it takes to do His work, because HE is worthy!

Have a fabulous day!

Les (lesbear)

Words and phrases in quotations are from Beth Moore's Jesus the One and Only.


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