Panama City Beach. 
The beach always give 
me a sense of peace! 


Good morning to you on this fine day!

How did you sleep? I was sound asleep and the phone rang about a little before midnight. Would you believe that no one was there? At least if there was, they didn't say anything. Then I couldn't go back to sleep. It seemed like I laid there forever. I know it wasn't but when you can't go to sleep it sure seems like it. I prayed and prayed and thought and thought and prayed some more and finally drifted off. But I had a definite lack of peace.

Then I woke up at 6:30 and had to get up. I didn't want to. I am not a late sleeper but I just wanted to lay there a while. It seems it is always on Sunday that I want to just lay there. And as usual I am feeling weird today. But I think that I put my finger on it. 

About a year and three months ago, I resigned from my job and other things, and much changed in my life within a couple of months. I kind of felt unneeded or something like that. I added a few things to my life at that time and it has been great. There has been a few changes again and I am feeling restless and maybe a little lost. I am not so lost spiritually just emotionally I guess. I don't feel like I belong anywhere, I guess is what it is. I don't know. I just have to trust in the Lord. 

My husband is so busy. My kids are so far away so I can't really be mom or grandma. I don't have a job to go to. I guess I could get a job. I don't have my home church family around me. I miss them so much. I have a new church family that I don't really know as of yet. I don't mean to feel sorry for myself which I am really not. I love my life. I am so blessed by God. I just feel restless and uneasy for some reason. Maybe it is a health issue. I do have a bunch of tests next week.

Have you ever felt that way? I know that God is with me and that He loves me more than anyone ever could. And He is with you and loves you that way also. And in time I won't feel that way anymore as long as I keep my life focused on Jesus. He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith.

I will try to pray without ceasing and focus on the Lord and I know that even though it may not be time for any answers from Him, He will give me some peace. I may never know any answers to what I am feeling, but if He would give me some stability in my emotions that would be wonderful.

And He can do that for you also. Because He is a wonderful and awesome God and knows our every need even before we do.

The Lord gives strength to his people; the
 Lord blesses his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11

Have a wonderful day!

Les (lesbear)


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