I took this at Key 
West, FL last summer

Good morning on this great Saturday morning!

Greet one another with a kiss of love. 
Peace to all of you who are in Christ.
1 Peter 5:14

I pray that you had a blessed day yesterday. It was Friday after all. Although Fridays are not always the best days. Sometimes they are extremely busy or stressful since it is the last day of the work week. What ever it was, God was with you all of the way. You can be sure of that.
Fridays do seem to go by really fast also. By the time dinner is eaten and the dishes are done, it seems as if it is almost bedtime and we are not late eaters. 

Life seems to be rather uneventful for me these days. I also mentioned a few weeks ago that I was feeling kind of anxious for some reason. I don't know why. I just feel like I am waiting for something to happen. My husband hurt his back again and is moving very slowly but he has to go to work anyway. I don't think that that is what I am waiting for. I pray in the name of Jesus that I am waiting for something good to happen instead of the alternative. 

Maybe I am waiting for the Lord to do a great move in my life. Nothing should move me except for the Lord.

                  Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, 
                        stand firm. Let nothing move you. 
                       Always give yourselves fully to the 
                     work of the Lord, because you know 
                  that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
                                 1 Corinthians 15:58

That is what I need to do, give myself fully to the work of the Lord. That would be the ideal thing to do. I will try harder to do that. How about you?

Have a great day!

Les (lesbear)


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