
Good morning!

Have you ever wondered what people think about how you react to situations? Do you get angry? Do you get frustrated? I know that I do. And I want to be a good example of what a Christian should be so that when other people see me, they see Jesus. I don't do a very good job of that. 

People need Jesus and if they see a Christian reacting in a godless manner, they are not going to want to give their lives to God. Someone might say, "I don't want to be a Christian if that is how they act."

I am praying that God will change my heart so that my reactions are more Christian-like, more like Christ.

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

That is what I want, a pure heart. I suppose that won't happen until we get to heaven but I can only pray for that while here on earth. That is what I need so that when people watch me that is what they see. 

And since people need the Lord, they also need to see a clean heart and a steadfast spirit within us. People are watching us. We may not think so but they are. And not just non-Christians. I think that Christians watch us also. We are not perfect and we are judgers. We shouldn't be but we are. How many times have we seen a Christian do something and then say "see them, look what they are doing. Oh my!"

So, let us pray that God will change our hearts and renew us so that we are like-Christ. So that when people see us they say, "that is how I want to be."

Have a fantabulous day!

Les (lesbear)



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