Good morning to you on this fine Sunday!

This past week has been beautiful. It hasn't rained. The sky was blue with white puffy clouds. It was not extremely hot. It was so nice for a change but as I said yesterday the cycle of rain is coming back again tomorrow. Now the percentage of rain isn't too high but it will be cloudy and a little more dreary. But we can praise the Lord anyway.

Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord,
    you who serve at night in the Temple of the Lord.
Raise your hands in the Temple
    and praise the Lord.
May the Lord bless you from Mount Zion,
    he who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 134 

Raise your hands in the Temple and praise the Lord. Do you raise your hands to praise the Lord? Or do you feel like everyone will look at you and think down on you. God's Word tells us to lift our hands in the sanctuary or temple. I believe that this is a small sacrifice we can give the Lord when we praise Him. He sacrificed everything for us and yet we have trouble raising our hands to Him when the Spirit tells us to. 

When I raise my hand or hands it is not to draw attention to myself but to draw my attention to the Lord and most of the time I do it. But there are times when I feel self-conscious and don't do it. Shame on me! If we feel God's Spirit on us in song or preaching, we should not hold back in praising the Lord any way we feel called.

When the ark was returned to Jerusalem, David danced and celebrated much to the anger of his wife and others. How can he do that? Shame shame! Well, he did it and it was his way of worshiping and thanking the Lord for being there at that time.

Well, I don't want to not worship the Lord in the way He wants me to. Shame on others for looking down on us. All we want to do is praise the Lord. 

So, let us praise the Lord and not be ashamed. He is worthy to be praised!

Have a beautiful day!

Les (lesbear)


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