

Good morning!

I am at a Ladies Conference that started last night. I am expecting today to be awesome. Can't wait! The speaker talked about how our life's story has a purpose and holds a place in God's story. And we will hear more today. Praise the Lord!

I have been coming here to this conference for close to 15 years I believe and it gets better every year. I have heard people say that they don't like conferences of this sort because they don't like sitting there all day or half a day or whatever. Well, my feelings on this are that it is not about us, it is about Jesus. And if I can go to a Christian conference somewhere that leads me closer to Jesus, that is what I am going to do. I drove 8 hours to Pensacola in the spring to meet my daughter for a conference and I am doing it again next spring whether she can go or not. Especially since I already bought two tickets.

I am very, very far from perfect. And I can't go to every Christian conference in the country. But I can go to the ones that I feel God calling me to attend. And I know He will teach me something at each and every one.

Remember in Jesus day when He would preach in the temple people would listen all day to what He had to said. Since Jesus is in Heaven sitting at the right hand of God, our Father, we can't sit and listen to Him in the flesh. So, we can sit and listen to His people teach about Him.

We need Jesus and we need to know Him. Not only to save us but also to show us how to live and how to love. We need Jesus to show us what it means to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.
 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

So, why wait until tomorrow. Let's do these things today and just maybe go to a conference and sit under the teaching of Jesus on this earth. He's worth it!

Have a fabulous day!

Les (lesbear)


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