Good morning on this fine Thursday!
Praise the Lord that the government shutdown is over. At least for now. People like my son will go back to work today. They just don't realize the impact these kinds of things have on the people who live paycheck to paycheck. People still need to eat and bills still have to be paid. Unfortunately, this will come up again in Feb. or March. Ugh!!
I was reading some things in my Bible study (we are using it for our Sunday School lessons) by Beth Moore that really had me thinking. We see and hear so much about finding the will of God and knowing the calling and task that He has for our lives. And yes we do want to know what God wants us to do all our days as we live for Him.
Not everyone who says to me,
"Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom
of heaven, but only he who does the
will of my Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 7:21
God's will is usually considered a special mission or task for our lives. The task we do for Christ is immediate but our calling is permanent. Beth says that the concepts of calling and task are often confused in the body of Christ. God equips us with a special gift or maybe more than one. We might assume that that gift is our calling. But she says that our calling is to surrender our lives every day to His will, to be His person, and to do what He asks, whatever it is.
God does not want us to be hung up on the kind of assignment He gives us. He doesn't want it to matter to us one bit what that assignment is. Our calling is to be abandoned to Him.
So, our purpose or task in our lives is maybe to teach Sunday School, or hold a baby in the nursery, or play the piano. But our calling is to surrender to and follow Jesus. To be His true disciple. To be abandoned to Him.
To abandon: to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control. This is just one of the definitions but it is the one that fits our calling to Jesus.
Listen to this song:
This may be a hard thing to do. But it is our true calling in life as a Christian and then when Jesus gives us something to do, we don't even have to think about it, we just do it.
Have a blessed day!
Les (lesbear)
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