Hilton Head Island, SC

Good morning on this great day of my birth and Columbus Day!

I pray that all is well with you this fine day. My sister told me this morning that she sent a card on time this year hoping it would be here when we got home from vacation but our mail wasn't here. I am hoping that the friends next door got it when they fed the animals.

Going on vacation is awesome but I never want to come home. I want to stay in paradise. But my husband told me that I could stay if it wouldn't cost me a dime. Ha! Oh well. Maybe another time. 

The ride home yesterday was wonderful. The weather was perfect. The outlet mall was great south of Atlanta. I have never seen so many people. We go on vacation in October so that there would not be such a crowd. Oh my! It was like summer on Hilton Head Island. There were so many people. The only thing that I can think of was it fall break week. It was for my son and family. They have two weeks off. And my son works for the government and has been off for however many days they have been shut down. 

They were vacationing on the island also. They were a lot closer to the beach than we were. But that is okay by me. I fished and caught two fish off our dock on the inland waterway. That was fun although the day we fished was in the low 60's and the wind was gale force and I froze to death. It wasn't that cold but the wind made it seem that way.

Well, being home, today is the day to celebrate not only my birthday but a day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. We got to sleep in our own bed which is always nice. Although there is stuff and boxes and bags all over the house. I guess I get to put vacation stuff away today and do some laundry. My husband told be to lay on the couch and read a book all day. We'll see what I actually do.

For seven days celebrate the festival 
to the Lord your God at the place 
the Lord will choose. For the Lord 
your God will bless you in all your 
harvest and in all the work of your 
hands, and your joy will be complete.
Deuteronomy 16:15

I will celebrate the festival of my birthday today. That sounds good to me!

Serve the Lord with fear and 
celebrate his rule with trembling.
Psalm 2:11

Bring the fattened calf and kill it. 
Let’s have a feast and celebrate.
Luke 15:23

But regardless of what day it is, let us celebrate the God of the universe, our Creator, and remember that it is a day that He has made and to rejoice and be glad in it. Praise GOD!

Listen to this song: Celebrate!

Have an excellent day!

Les (lesbear)


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