Good morning to you!

How are you today? I pray well. This is a new day. Anything that made you anxious yesterday? You can start over today. This is a new day dawning. I think that is from a song. Maybe I am crazy! 

Do you ever feel like that? I find myself doing and saying crazy things sometimes. Unfortunately, when you do those things, then people think you are crazy and don't believe what you say when you are not crazy. Have you ever felt that way?

I do. But maybe that is just me. Maybe stress does it to you. Maybe not enough sleep. Maybe not eating healthy. Maybe falling away from God does it.

"Be still, and know that I am God;..."
Psalm 46:10a

Do you have a quiet time with God every day? I do. When I worked, I got up at 5:00 every day for 12 years in order not to miss my quiet time with Jesus. I don't think that I ever missed a day. I am not bragging, I am just telling you, you can do it. If I can, you can. It definitely takes some sacrifice. 

But isn't sacrifice what we are supposed to do for Jesus? What did He do for us? Gave His all, His life for us. The least we can do is have some quiet moments with Him every day. The morning is preferable because we are fresh and most alert, and it's before the rush of thoughts and activities of the day. I read this: an orchestra does not tune its instruments after the concert. Wow! How true!

But there is no hard and fast rule about having our quiet time in the morning but it probably is the best time because of what I already said above. Sacrificing for Jesus and having a quiet time with God is not giving our life. I believe I have talked about this before. It is just giving Him 10+ minutes. Start slow. Start short and then add time each day. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you, to teach you, and to give you focus on Jesus without our thoughts roaming all over the place.

A daily quiet time is a private meeting every day between a disciple and the Lord. It is for the sole purpose of a personal meeting with our Savior. It includes: reading the Bible, meditating on what we have read, and praying and talking to God. It is important because: 1. It pleases the Lord, 2. We receive the benefits: like information, encouragement, power, and pleasure, and 3. Jesus had a quiet time. If He needed one, how much more do we. 
Tomorrow I will talk about how to get started if you don't already have a quiet time. But I pray that you do.

Have a magnificent day!

Les (lesbear)

Ideas from: Lord of the Universe, Lord of My Life by InterVarsity Press, 1973


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