Good morning!

Praying you had a great day yesterday. I did. A great friend fixed lunch for me and two others yesterday. People don't cook for others much anymore. Family, yes, but not necessarily for friends in their home. It was a real blessing. 

Continuing where we left off yesterday, there are some excuses or reasons for not having a quiet time with Jesus. I am sure that I have used one at some point in time. I don't ever want to give up my time with Jesus for anything but sometimes it is unavoidable. 

Here are some common problems encountered along the way:
  • I know I ought to have time with Jesus, but I don't want to.      Ask the Holy spirit to give you a desire.
  • I don't feel like it today.                                                             Do it anyway and admit to Him that you don't feel like it. Ask Him to improve your feelings.
  • My mind wanders.                                                                    Ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength to keep your focus on Him and change your feelings.
  • I miss too many quiet moments with Jesus.                            Ask the Lord to strengthen your desire and give you the power to discipline yourself. Ask a friend to hold you accountable. Confess and ask Jesus's forgiveness and renew your relationship with Him.
  • My daily quiet time is a drag.                                                 Pray that the joy of the Lord would be restored to your special meeting with Jesus. Put some variety into your time. Sing to Jesus, praise Him, worship Him, try a different devotion or study.
  Plan to do your quiet time with Jesus. Start tomorrow or even today. But even if you miss a time for some reason, start again and don't give up. Eventually it will become the most important part of your life. Don't let the devil steal that from you. He would like nothing better.

With God's help you can do it! He would like nothing better from you and for you!

Have an unforgettable day!

Les (lesbear)


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