Good morning on this awesome, cool day!

Fall is truly here. I haven't seen the beautiful fall colors that I thought would be here. Since we have had so much rain this year and it wasn't so hot, I thought maybe the fall colors would be spectacular. But so far they haven't been. But maybe it is too early yet or maybe the summer wasn't hot enough. Although I can't believe the end of October is almost here. Boy, the months sure fly by fast. That also means it is almost November and Thanksgiving and then Christmas will be here before you know it. Ugh! The ugh is not for the actual holidays, it is for the shopping season and the busyness of it all. 

It has gotten harder and harder to shop for my family. The thought and time that I put into it is not appreciated. I hate to say that but I believe that it is true. I don't want to quit shopping for everyone because there is always the joy in giving. I loved to see the faces of people when we give them gifts. But those faces have changed. The fun is gone and they are more picky than they used to be. They seem to want what they want and anything else is not good. I won't say that for everyone in our family but for some it is true. And I don't like that! 

Make vows to the LORD your God 
and fulfill them; let all the neighboring 
lands bring gifts to the One to be feared.
Psalm 76:11

...for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable.
Romans 11:29

God also testified to it by signs, wonders and 
various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit 
distributed according to his will.
Hebrews 2:4

I am always in love with a gift no matter what it is and I use it or wear it, if it fits, and exchange it if it doesn't fit. And I definitely appreciate it. And I send thank you notes to the giver. I was raised to appreciate the gift and the giver and tell them so in a note. And I do think that is still very important.

We have a Giver that gives many, many countless gifts to us in many ways. Do we appreciate those gifts enough to tell Him so? I pray that we do. 

...that my heart may sing to you and
 not be silent. O LORD my God
I will give you thanks forever.
Psalm 30:12

Give thanks to the God of heaven. 
"His love endures forever."
Psalm 136:26

So, let us not stop giving even maybe of ourselves, and receive gifts of the love of Jesus to those all around us and give thanks in all things.

Have a beautiful day!

Les (lesbear)


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