
        I didn't take this picture but I am ready to go anyway.

Good morning this fine day!

We used up all our internet data in September. When we do that we lose speed although it is still much faster than dial-up. We could buy one more GB but it is $10.00 just for one. So, I am doing my blog off-line in a document and then copying and pasting it into this blog. The problem is that I lose all my formatting. I have tried the past year to keep the formatting more formal and looking nice. But in not putting it together in blogger, I lose all of it. So, as long as I do it this way, it is not going to be pretty. So, please forgive me for that. I just appreciate so much you who read this blog every day or close to that. It really means a whole lot to me. Thank you and I praise God for your faithfulness and I praise Him for His faithfulness.

I pray that you had a great day yesterday. It started out cloudy and turned into a beautiful day. It was a day that the Lord made and we should rejoice and be glad in it. And I did. I hope that you did also.

Great is the Lord, and
greatly to be praised...
Psalm 48:1a

...for the Lord your God, who is among
you, is a great and awesome God.
Deuteronomy 7:21

For the Lord your God is God of gods and
Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and
awesome, who shows no partiality
and accepts no bribes.
Deuteronomy 10:17

“How great you are, Sovereign Lord!
There is no one like you, and there is
no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.”
2 Samuel 7:22

For great is the Lord and most 

worthy of praise; he is to be
feared above all gods.
1 Chronicles 16:25

But may all who seek you rejoice
and be glad in you; may those who
long for your saving help always 

say, “The Lord is great!”
Psalm 40:16

I could go on and on about how great the Lord is but His Word says it best. Read His Word. You can’t go wrong in learning about the things of God. Because..........

Have a great day!

Les (lesbear)


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