Beautiful but not this trip!     

Good morning on this beautiful day!

I pray that all is well with you. All is well at the beach but we haven't been to the beach yet. Now my son and family are here also. I am seeing the beach on facebook since they are going to the beach. I haven't seen them either since we aren't staying at the same place. Oh well! 

We may do some kayaking and fishing today. Kayaks come with our condo and you can fish off the dock here with no license. Cool!

One thing we have been doing is eating. It seems like we have been doing it all week. Well, we have only been here for one day and two nights so I guess not all week.

Our friends are normally late sleepers and one guy is supposed to fix breakfast this morning. But this morning I was smelling food cooking at 6:30 am. His wife couldn't sleep so he was up cooking breakfast. Yum! Yum!

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. It is so good to get away and just hang out. Even if we don't go to the beach. I do know we are going on a dinner cruise on Thursday night and all for free for six people. See God is good!

You are good and do only good;
    teach me your decrees.
Psalm 119:68

A very simple scripture of a very simple concept. God is good and only does good and we should want to learn about such things so that we can be good also.

So, let's remember how good God is and learn more about His goodness.

Have a magnificent day!

Les (lesbear)


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