My watercolor. 
Don't think it is 
very good but
I like it none 
the  less.

Good morning to you this Sabbath Day!

May God fill you with 
His love and peace!

To those who have been called, who are 
loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:
Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
Jude 1b-2

Yesterday was a great day. It was a strange day though. At least for me. Since my Dad and Step-Mom left, I have felt weird, restless, bored or something. I don't know why. Except I told my Dad when they left that it seems that I am always saying good-bye. But it is not good-bye, it is see you later.

But then I always have the thought, will I really see him later? I mean he is 84 years old. I just have to trust God and know that whatever His will is, I will depend on Him no matter what. That doesn't make it any easier but it normally gives me a sense of peace. But I do have some sort of anxiousness in me for some reason. 

Maybe it is just that I enjoyed them being here so much. It is kind of like Christmas. You spend days, weeks and months preparing, decorating, shopping, and wrapping. Then, in a couple of hours it is all over. Or maybe it is more like a wedding. It takes months to prepare and then in 20 minutes or so it is all over. 

Maybe I am overreacting or something. I just miss my folks so much. But they are in God's care. And I give it to Him and know that He will hear my prayers and answer them. And just maybe I will go visit them in a month or so. And I will talk to them on the phone.

When we talk to God, we can't call Him on the phone. It amazes me that billions of people can talk to God at the same time and He hears them all.

Cast all your anxiety on him 
because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7 

Therefore confess your sins to 
each other and pray for each
 other so that you may be healed. 
The prayer of a righteous person
 is powerful and effective.
James 5:16

And when we talk to God, we draw closer to Him.

 Draw near to God and He 
will draw near to you. 
James 4:8a

I do want to draw closer to Him. I want to be so close that my ways and thoughts are His. I know that won't happen here on  earth, but I can strive for it. And in order to do that I have to talk to Him without ceasing, read and study His Word always, and praise, worship and thank Him as often as I can. That is what I want my life to be like. How about you?

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Les (lesbear)


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