Good morning to you!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord! VBS was real good last night. Our lesson was on King David and how God's love gives us strength. I dressed up as King David and did a first person account of when he wrote the 23rd Psalm. It was really cool. 

Now I will get ready for tonight's lesson somehow as I continue work in my house to get ready for company on Friday. As I said a few days ago, this will be a very busy week. But I always love VBS and I also love to have company whether it is family or friends. Both in one week but with God's help I will be ready. I believe it!

I have been reading this morning after my devotion two little booklets or tracts that I have been meaning to read. One was A New Beginning by Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis and president and creator of the museum. And the other was The Purpose and Meaning of Life from Creation to the Cross by Cecil Eggert. We had picked these up at the Creation Museum last month just south of Cincinnati, Ohio. I like to read them before I give them to someone. 

If anyone is ever interested in the Answers Magazine, let me know. We save copies to share with someone interested. They are so awesome about the scientific data and proof of the six days of creation. My husband has been reading it for 20 years or so and loves it. But of course he loves science and the like. A lot of that is a little over my head but then again my head isn't very high.

In the beginning God created 
the heavens and the earth. 
Genesis 1:1

But we believe God did create the universe in six days and then rested the seventh day. That is what the Bible says and that is what we believe. Maybe I am simple minded but that is okay. I believe the Bible literally and that is the way it is. We are all entitled to our own beliefs. Even if mine is right! Ha!

 Thus the heavens and the earth 
were completed in all their vast 
array. By the seventh day God had 
finished the work he had been doing; 
so on the seventh day he rested from 
all his work. Then God blessed the 
seventh day and made it holy, because 
on it he rested from all the 
work of creating that he had done.
Genesis 2:1-3

Read His Word to see what you believe. 

Have a wonderful day!



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