Good morning to you on another rainy day!

We are in the rainy pattern again with a middle of the road chance of rain again, but cooler days. I had a conversation last night about that. I don't know how the autumn is going to be but with the strange summer weather it could be strange also. We could have summer in the fall and go straight to winter. Or we could have beautiful fall weather. Or we could go straight to winter. Or we could continue to have rainy cool weather all the way to winter. Whatever God gives us will be fine because that is the way it is. Only God can make it perfect. And if He chooses not to then so be it.

Went to a picnic last night. It poured and we had it inside. Thank God there was an inside. Met many people and talked to many people and didn't know most of the people. Isn't that how it is? We go somewhere and don't know most of the people. Thank God we knew a few.

I did a crazy thing last night. I do crazy things a lot. I had people depending on me to do something and I did do it but then I forgot to tell them the password and they couldn't get in. Actually I wrote the password down and left it there but then got sidetracked and didn't call and tell them where I left it. It started pouring down rain and other things and I just plain forgot the all important phone call I was to make. Lord help me!

Why do we do crazy things? Maybe it is just me. But I have heard other people say that when you get older and too busy for your own good, then you do things like that. I can't wait to see what I do when I get even older. God help us all!

And that is the point, we have to depend on God for our every little need and want. He helps us with every moment of every day. If we ask Him! If we let Him! If we love Him! If we trust Him!

Do you? Do you do all those things? Do you talk to Him? Do you listen to Him? Do you let Him help you or do you just go ahead and do it your own way? Do you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Do you trust Him enough to let Him have full reign in your life?

I am trying to do all those things. It isn't easy! But all we can do is try as hard as we can and do the best that we can. God knows our hearts. He knows where we are and He meets us there.

 But from there you will seek the Lord 
your God and you will find him, if 
you search after him with all your 
heart and with all your soul.
Deuteronomy 4:29
Have a fabulous day!


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