Good morning to you!

Why are things so busy when you have so much to do? Why do you have so much to do when you are so busy? I guess the answer is that the devil tries to steer us into chaos and busyness and that is especially the time we need to focus on Jesus. I wrote once before on the busyness of life and how satan uses that to take our focus off Jesus. (It was BUSY-being under satan's yoke.)

I don't want my focus to be on anything or anyone but Jesus. But we are imperfect humans and the things of this world keep us bogged down with unimportant things. Is cleaning the house an earthly thing? Wow, then I don't have to do it, right? Well, not exactly. I guess it is an earthly thing but we still need to do it. We still need to take care of things at home. 

But what I am getting at is that there are many earthly things that are unnecessary, things that we don't need to do or get in to. Things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. So, why spend the time doing them when they really don't matter. 

Well, we still need to do the things that need to be done. But we need to be orderly. God is not the author of confusion or chaos. My life seems to get pretty chaotic sometimes. And that seems to be when I have so much to do. And my problem is I don't get much done. I start something and get sidetracked and start something and get sidetracked again. Then I end up with all these chores started and nothing finished. I need to focus not only on Jesus but the important things in life. Help me, Jesus!

Well, the only thing that really matters is the person of Jesus Christ. He is our Rock and our Salvation. He is the Holy One.

“There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no 
one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.
1 Samuel 2:2

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us 
shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Psalm 95!

You are holy O God! There is no other like You!

So, let's do our best to focus on Jesus in prayer, praise, thanksgiving and worship. If we do our part and step towards Him, then He will do His part and help us and take care of us. We have to make the first step because God is a gentleman, and won't force Himself upon us. Think about it!

Have a fabulous day!



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