Good morning to you!

I pray that you had a blessed day yesterday. We did. And we all went to church last night in which we had a hamburger dinner for the community before Bible Study. We are in hopes that we will get more of our community involved in the church. It may take a lot of time for this to take hold but God is in control. And I know that He wants His church to reach out and grow. And proclaim the name of Jesus!

And that is the truth. God is in control. When we find that our lives seem out of control, God has our backs if we love and trust Him. We have to belong to Him at this point. If we don't, God can still take care of us. And since He is a loving and caring God, most likely He will. But if we don't belong to Him, I certainly wouldn't count on His loving care in our lives. At this point, if we don't follow Him, it is a choice to deny Him. There is no middle ground. We either follow Him to the full or we don't.

 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but 
only the one who does the will of my 
Father who is in heaven. Many will say 
to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we 
not prophesy in your name and in your
 name drive out demons and in your name 
perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell 
them plainly, ‘I never knew you. 
Away from me, you evildoers!’
Matthew 7:21-23

We have to make the decision to follow Jesus. To love Him. To have that personal relationship with Him. That is what Christianity is all about. It is not a religion but a relationship. And our relationship has nothing to do with what denomination of church we go to. Jesus is our best friend when we follow Him.

Think about a relationship with another person. A family member or friend. We love each other. We talk to each other and sometimes tell them our deepest secrets. We do things with and for each other. We are having a relationship. We can do the same thing with Jesus. But He loves us so much more and will never leave us or forsake us. He will never break His promises. We can't guarantee a friend won't do that. Sometimes it happens. But never with Jesus!

So, do all these things and follow Jesus all the way. HE loves you!

Have a blessed day!

Les (lesbear)


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