Good morning to you!

I have been trying to take more time everyday to spend with Jesus. I don't always spend as much time as I like but I have been doing it more often than not. I usually spend an hour and a half or more, sometimes two. But that includes writing this blog. When I was working I got up at five am to be with Jesus. But now that I am not working a 9-5 job I don't get up as early at all but still before 7:30 most of the time. 

I am just saying, what is more important-Jesus or sleep? It would seem that sleep is more important. We all get tired in our stressful and busy world. And we are all different and I know that some people would rather spend time with Jesus in the evening. That is okay. But for me I feel like my day starts out so much better when my time with Him is in the morning. And it ends up better also. Not that all my days are perfect. That is far from the truth. But I try my best. 

Now if we are going somewhere in the morning I will get up earlier than I really need to just so I don't miss my Jesus time. That works for me.

I listened to an sermon online yesterday by Norm Wakefield. I am not sure how I found it but it was wonderful. I just put it on and carried the laptop around with me and listened to it as I did my work around the house. I am giving you a link so you can listen to it. It is called Loving Like Christ. It is kind of long but awesome. I hope you have time to listen and learn something from it.


Do you love like Christ? Did you know that the love of Jesus is God's glory. We have to study how Jesus loves to love like Him.

But this is great and from His sermon. I didn't write it. Norm Wakefield did.

This is written using John 17:20-26.

"He loved His own until the end. How?

He manifested His name, His love, and His glory.
And He keeps us in His name, His love and His glory.
We are united in His name, which is His work, which is love, which is His glory. 
And therefore, we can ask anything in His name, which is love, which is His glory.
So, He loved His own to the end. We are His own.
He washed us in His death.
He washes us in His life.
He unites us in His love. His love is in us and He is in us.

That is the gospel story," says Wakefield.

I thought that was awesome. To love Jesus is to love others. Let us learn the love of Christ so we can live the love of Christ and then we will see His glory. Amen and amen!

Have a fabulous day!

Les (lesbear)



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