Good morning on this blessed Saturday!

May God be lifted up and glorified! May He be honored and praised! 

This day begins a very busy week ahead for me. I have company coming next Friday and we have Vacation Bible School at my home church for six nights, which I love, and have to do some order delivering on Friday. So, studying and preparing come first, then cleaning my whole house inside and out, and then preparing and delivering. Oh, my! It wears me out just thinking of it all. But:

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:13
So, through Christ I can do all things and He will give me strength. Now I suppose this scripture is actually talking about spiritual things. But I choose to believe that Jesus will help us do all things as long as they are good and glorify Him. So, when I get finished with all my busyness this coming week and I do get it all done without being too chaotic, and trusting God, and I share how Jesus helped me do it all, then I am glorifying Him. He cares about everything in our lives not just the big things and the little things but also the good things and the bad things. He wants to help us through it all. And when we are trying to do it all, we need to praise Him and thank Him all the way.
For nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 1:37 NLT
And it is good to know and believe that with God all things are possible. So, it is possible to get all these things done and more. My time frame is pretty good as long as I don't get sidetracked. I am pretty good at that.
When we go through it all, let's trust God to help us in every way. We will trust Him to give us strength and stamina, good night's sleeping, and extra energy during the day to accomplish all the things we need to. Key words: need to. I am sure there are many things I think I need to do but God says that they are really not that important. So, help me discern, Lord, what I need to do and what I don't. Thank you Lord!
Have an awesome Saturday knowing that you can do it! Whatever it is that you need to do!


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