Good morning to you!

God is great all the time! He is awesome and majestic and wonderful! He is the great I AM! May He be praised and worshiped as we glory in His presence. 

He is with us always. He never leaves us or forsakes us. I feel God is leading me to share about that subject today. Do you ever feel lonely or all alone in your life walk? Well, maybe we have moved away from God. 

Years ago when I was about 18, I married a man that I shouldn't have. I was dumb, really dumb. I thought that I loved him but I was only starstruck, not that he was a star. And he was very far from it. But I did it anyway. When I left him (because of some abuse) I was feeling all alone until I realized that God was with me. I made many mistakes and I still do. 

Even though I was 13 at church camp when I was saved, I didn't live for Jesus. I was never taught and didn't know how. But regardless of how I lived and my mistakes, God was with me. I could feel His presence to the point I looked over my shoulder thinking someone was following me. But I knew it was God looking out for me. I did not realize the significance at that but now I am beginning to.

Isn't it amazing how God works? I want to share some words with you from the late Adrian Rogers. He was a great preacher we used to enjoy listening to on the radio. He passed away in 2005 but he is remembered as one of the great preachers of our time.

Where can I go from your Spirit? 
Where can I flee from your presence? 
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
Psalm 139:7-8 

Adrian Rogers said: "Where is God when I really need Him? Why is God so far away? God has never been far away from you. You may have been far away from Him, but God is never far away from you.

The Places of His Presence

God is omnipresent. Has it ever dawned on you that God never has to go anywhere? God is everywhere. Sometimes we get the idea that God is at church. One thing you need to know is that God is everywhere! There is no place that God is not. There is not a movement but He sees it, a motive but He knows it, nor a murmur but He hears it. Death, distance, or darkness cannot hide you from God. It’s a thrilling or a threatening thought depending on your relationship to God. But, what advantages are there to being in God’s presence?"
Taken from his message: The Glory of God's Presence by Adrian Rogers. 
I will bring you more of this great message tomorrow.
I will share the two parts of advantages the next two days with you. 

It is definitely something to study and think about.

Have a fantastic day!

Les (lesbear)


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