Good morning to you!

It rained some yesterday and then again last night. Well, maybe we will have an awesome fall. The fall leaves here can be gorgeous if the weather conditions are just right. If it is too dry, the leaves are dried up and they drop from the trees too early. If it is too hot, the coolness of the air doesn't do it's part. It is amazing how God created this phenomenon so perfectly. It is amazing how He created everything the way He did, our bodies, the earth, with the sky and the seas, and everything in it. The detail in everything He created, only He could have done. He is Lord of all!
You know the message God sent to the people
 of Israel, announcing the goodnews of peace 
through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.
Acts 10:36

In our Sunday School class we are doing the Beth Moore Bible Study Jesus the One and Only. I had done it once before. It is amazing. Just a few of the words in the introduction are these:

"We will never spend our time more valuably than in the pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ. ...Worthy is the Lamb! 
He is Jesus.
The One and Only.
Transcendent over all else.
To know Him is to love Him.
To love Him is to long for Him.
To long for Him is to finally reach soul hands into the 
One true thing we need never get enough of.
Take all you want.
Take all you need.
Till soul is fed.
And spirit freed.
Till dust is dust. 
And Face you see.
Jesus Christ.
He's all you need."
We are only on the first chapter and as I said I have done this before. But it is amazing. Of course, all of Beth Moore's studies are amazing. But this one is all about Jesus. The Messiah. The Almighty. The Beloved One. The Author of Eternal Salvation. The Bread of Life. The Chief Cornerstone. The Lamb of God. Need I go on. There are 100s and 100s of names of Jesus. Actually the writer Elmer L. Towns says there is over 700 names of Jesus. Amazing, isn't it?

And Jesus is the One and Only. He is the only Savior. The only Son of the One True God. The only Son of the Living God. So, my Jesus, my Lord and my King, loves you and me and all mankind. He created us. He wants us to love Him. Do you love Him? 

Remember the video Do You Know Him by S. M. Lockridge. I posted the link once before but I think I will do it again. It is so great. Watch it and praise and worship Jesus while you do. He is worthy.

And as I said: JESUS LOVES YOU!

Have an awesome day!



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