Good morning to you on this fine 
day that the Lord has made!

I pray all is well with you, my blessed readers. God has truly blessed me with you because without you I would not be writing this blog. God is gracious and true.

God got me thinking during my quiet time this morning about how we deal with burnout. I have heard it said many times that people get burned out doing work for Him. And God revealed to me that the burnout isn't from Him or even caused by doing His work. The burnout comes from the other things we deal with at home, at work, or wherever. We come to do things for Him and blame the burnout on church servanthood. I don't believe that it comes from that. I believe that we go into it being burned out from the other things we have to deal with. Does that make sense?

We get ourselves so overworked at home with chores, children, and stuff we say yes to, and at work we stress out because of deadlines or rude people or too much work, and then we say yes to do something at church and are burned out. But I don't believe it starts there.

So, if we spend the proper time with the Lord every day, especially in the morning, and then go about our daily business, talking to Him throughout the day, then we will have peace that only God can give us. And when we say yes to a job at church or ministry then we will be better able to handle that job without having too much to do.

"...and whoever wishes to be first 
among you shall be your slave; 
just as the Son of Man did not 
come to be served, but to serve, 
and to give His life a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:27-28 

"The man who loves his life will 
lose it, while the man who hates 
his life in this world will keep 
it for eternal life. Whoever serves 
me must follow me; and where I am,
 my servant also will be. My Father 
will honor the one who serves me."
John 12:25-26

Let's serve the Lord. Now maybe we say yes to too much and then get stressed because we don't have time or can't do it. But before you say yes to a job or service in the church, spend much time in prayer about it and if you feel God says yes or gives you total peace about it, then do it. And if we do these things for the right reason, we won't get burned out in doing it. 

And then let's just praise the Lord. He will help you do what He wants you to do.

Have a fantastic day!

Les (lesbear)


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