Good morning!

I think that I might be sensitive to MSG or something. We had Chinese food two nights in a row and I didn't sleep very well both nights. The first night was at the restaurant but we had lots of left overs. So, we had it again last night. It was so good. But I haven't slept well. The night at the restaurant I couldn't go to sleep at all. But last night I woke up a lot but slept in between. So, maybe it was something I had at the restaurant that I didn't have last night, like egg drop soup. Oh, and it is delicious. Oh, well. Such is life.

We (my husband even went) went to the Smokey Mountains to Cade's Cove yesterday. Oh, it was so beautiful even though cloudy and a little misty. But we didn't have a downpour. Praise the Lord!

There was a lot of people there but not like it could have been. After all it is still summer. School has started here but most all the cars were from out of state and I know that a lot of states start school after Labor Day like we did in California. 

But it turned out to be a beautiful day in God's country. The sun came out. We did see some very large bucks from afar and a couple of bears. Both bears were up in trees and not up close. But it is pretty cool to see God's animals that you usually don't see.

And God said, Let the earth bring 
forth the living creature after his 
kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and 
beast of the earth after his kind: and 
it was so. And God made the beast of 
the earth after his kind, and cattle 
after their kind, and every thing 
that creepeth upon the earth after 
his kind: and God saw that it was good. 
Genesis 1:24-25 

I also know that you do see more of those things earlier in the morning and we weren't too early. We also had a picnic lunch in a picnic area along a stream. It was so pretty.

We don't do those kinds of things very often and I love to do it. Maybe we can do them more often as time goes on. And I love to take pictures of God's creation.

Can you see the bear? I know it is not too close and I zoomed in on him. But it was pretty cool anyway.

So, whenever you can take the time to visit and see what God has made, it is a good thing. And I thank God for the time to go and the things to see. He is amazing!

Have a wonderful day!

Les (lesbear)


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