Good morning to you!

Did you get to see any of the meteor shower last night? The last two nights were supposed to be the best nights to see the shower. I really would have liked to see it. But the people that saw the shower saw it in the middle of the night and the sky was clear. And I didn't really want to sit in a lawn chair outside in the middle of the night. And of course, it has rained so much. So, I didn't, but many people did and saw some of the most fantastic wonders of the universe that God created.

Our God created so much more than we will ever see. And I want to see as much as I can. I guess that is why I like to travel so much. And God willing maybe someday I will get to see much more of God's country.

And God said, “Let the water under 
the sky be gathered to one place, 
and let dry ground appear.”
 And it was so. God called the 
dry ground “land,” and the 
gathered waters he called “seas.” 
And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:9-10 

And God saw that it was good. God's creation was very good. Just look outside your door and I am sure that you could find something that God created that is very beautiful. Whether it is the blue sky and clouds, the mountains, the green of the trees and the plants, the beautiful flowers, or the crops in the field. God created it all. I know that we plant the seeds in the field but God waters it and makes it grow. 

God's seed is planted in us through Jesus Christ. Then God waters us with His Word and makes us grow. We have to be willing to receive and do a little watering ourselves(by praying and studying God's Word) but when we do we grow and grow in the love and grace of Jesus. Oh, how I want to grow in Christ and I hope that you do also.  

Have a blessed day!

Les (lesbear)


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