Good morning on this blessed day!

Actually all our days are blessed not just this day. Let's just count our blessings!

And He said, “My Presence will go
 with you, and I will give you rest.”
 Exodus 33: 14

I have been sharing with you about God's presence from a sermon by Adrian Rogers. So, I will continue with the second and last advantage of His presence.

"We Must Practice His Presence

How can you make this real in your life? How can you take this from the realm of theory and let it transform your life?

Consciously think about His presence. You need to stop several times a day and just get quiet. The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) Read and meditate on this psalm over and over again. Have a quiet time with God where you look into His face. Tell yourself that God is present.

Carry on a constant conversation with God. The psalmist is talking to God, not about God. He’s having a conversation. Talk to God about everything and fellowship with Him just as you would a friend. Share with Him your fears and your joys.

Have you ever heard anybody say, “Well, you know, my prayers never get above the ceiling”? That’s part of the problem. God is underneath the ceiling, so you don’t have to shoot your prayers to outer space. You talk with God, not pray at God. Learn to just talk with the Lord.

Develop a spirit of praise. You know, the Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people. (Psalm 22:3) When you praise Him, God reveals Himself to you. Now, He’s always present, but He manifests Himself when you praise. If you’re having difficulty praying, begin to praise. You’ll have an ocean to swim in. Just praise the Lord!

If you can get this truth riveted into your soul, it will change your life. God is near, and we can bask in the glory of His presence."

Taken from his message: The Glory of God's Presence by Adrian Rogers. 

I hope and pray that you have been blessed by this message the last couple of days. I sure have. I want to live in God's presence. I know that our day to day stuff and circumstances seem to distance us from God sometimes but I need to try harder to live in His love and presence. I hope you want to try harder also. Maybe this will help.

Have a blessed day!

Les (lesbear) 


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