Good morning to you!

Have you gone back and read any of my blogs from the past 8-9 months? I did yesterday. I was looking for something and what I found was strange. Most of the pictures that I posted in the blogs have disappeared. I thought that was weird. I don't know why it has happened, so I apologize that it has happened. I might have to refrain from using pictures. I just love the story a picture can tell. I try definitely to put pictures that lead into my blog.

Last night our VBS lesson was about Queen Esther. About how friends and family help us to stand strong. She was encouraged constantly by her cousin Mordecai who raised her. If you have never read this, read the book of Esther. It is one of my husband's favorite books in the Bible.

Who knows, perhaps you have come to 
your royal position for such a time as this.”
Esther 4:14 

What are you doing today? At your job, in your home, in your church, for the kingdom of God? Who knows, that maybe God has put you in your position for such a time as this. Wherever you are. Whatever you are doing. God has you there for a reason. Maybe it is to witness to just one person or help a person in some way. Or maybe you need to be there so someone can witness to you or help you in some way. Wherever we are, we need to be content and let God work until He sends us in another direction. As Paul said:

...for I have learned to be content 
whatever the circumstances.
Philippians 4:11b 

In this world we live in, it is easy to be disconcerted, discontent, unhappy because of the way things are. We can complain until the cows turn blue, but it won't do anything but make us miserable. So, again be content in any circumstance and trust God. I guarantee you will be much happier just living day to day accepting things the way they are and trusting God. Because He knows your heart and one day He will make a change if it is His will. 

Just pray, seek His face, follow Him, thank Him and praise Him, and worship Him and Him only. And maybe it will be your heart that He will change and not your circumstances. But that is okay. He will give you the desires of your heart for such a time as this. 

                               Take delight in the Lord, and he
                          will give you the desires of your heart.
                                                 Psalm 37:4

Have a wonderful day!



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