Good morning this fine day!

Honor and majesty are [found] in His presence; 
strength and joy are [found] in His sanctuary. 
1 Chronicles 16: 27 AMP

Yesterday I was talking about God's presence and about how He never leaves us and is always with us. How close depends on our relationship with Him. Remember Christianity is not a religion but a relationship and it is with Jesus Christ. 

We pick up with Adrian Rogers from yesterday. His question was: "What advantages are there to being in God’s presence?" The first advantage is this:
"There’s Power in His Presence

When you are discouraged, His presence will see you through. When you are in darkness, it is not darkness to God. When things don’t make sense and you can’t understand anything; just recognize that God is present. While you can’t see through that darkness, He can. When you learn how to apply the presence of the Lord, God will become a bright, living reality to you, seeing you through.
When you are lonely, His presence will cheer you up. People are lonely everywhere, but you can be alone and not lonely if you’ll practice the presence of the Lord. Oh, praise God for that! You know, I go for a drive with Jesus. I take a walk with Jesus. I read a book with Jesus. You see, He has time for me like there was no one else except me.
When you are worried, His presence will calm you down. He is with me. His enemies are my enemies, and my enemies are His enemies. I don’t have to worry if God is with me in trouble. I just thank God that His presence calms me.
When you are tempted, His presence will help you out. David knew temptation just like you do. But he said, “Oh God, You look into me.” Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to do wrong when you know somebody’s watching? Friend, you can’t lock God out. God sees every act. He’ll help you when you’re tempted." 

Taken from his message: The Glory of God's Presence by Adrian Rogers. 
I will bring you the rest of this great message tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day! 

Les (lesbear)



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